Tag Archives: Crown Princess Mary

Church of Our Lady

Church of Our Lady

Our Lady Church is Copenhagen Cathedral.
It has been since the diocese was established in 1922. The church is in his time dedicated to the Virgin Mary, in particular, previously also called Our Lady.
Since the 12th century there has been a church on site. However, the church building is burned and rebuilt several times. The present church was built in the early 19th Century Classical style.

My own experience: I have visited the beautiful church. I am impressed by how beautiful the church is inside, the room is bright, high ceilings, stylish and yet there are many details when you look a little closer.

In 2004, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary married in Our Lady Church and I saw the wedding ceremony on television.

In Danish: Vor frue kirke er Københavns domkirke. Det har den været siden stiftets oprettelse i 1922.
Kirken er i sin tid tilegnet jomfru Maria, som især tidligere også blev kaldt Vor Frue.
Siden det 12. århundrede har der ligget en kirke på stedet. Dog har kirkebygningen er brændt og genopbygget flere gange. Den nuværende kirke er bygget i starten af det 19. århundrede i klassicistisk stil.

Mine egne erfaringer: Jeg har besøgt den smukke kirke. Jeg er imponeret hvor smuk kirken er
indvendigt, rummet er lyst, højt til loftet stilrent og alligevel er der mange detaljer når man
kigger lidt nærmere.

I 2004 blev Kronprins Frederik og Kronprinsesse Mary gift i Vor frue kirke, og vielsen så jeg selvfølgelig på tv.

Facts: Church of Our Lady, Nørregade 8, 1165 Copenhagen K

Amalienborg Palace

Amalienborg palace

Amalienborg palace is the main residence of the Danish royal couple.
The palace complex consists of four nearly identical palaces that surround an octagonal palace square.
In the middle of the square stand an equestrian statue of Frederik 5th, who founded the Amalienborg palace.
Amalienborg palace is a masterpiece of Danish architecture and probably the finest example of Rococo architecture in Denmark and perhaps one of the finest examples in Europe.
When the castle flakes the royal family is staying at the castle. The royal couple stays mostly at the Amalienborg palace during winter.

My own experience: I have visited Amalienborg palace several times and have seen The Royal Guard change guard at. 12.00 which is a very nice event during the day.

In connection with Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary took over the Queen Ingrid’s palace the building underwent a major renovation. Before the royal couple moved into the
public had the opportunity to see the palace.
I have visited the palace and was impressed with how beautiful each room had become.

In Danish: Amalienborg slot er hovedresidens for det danske regentpar.
Slotsanlægget består af fire næsten ens palæer, der omkranser en ottekantet slotsplads.  Midt på pladsen står der en rytterstatue af Frederik 5., der grundlagde Amalienborg. Amalienborg er et hovedværk i dansk bygningskunst og nok det fornemste stykke rokokoarkitektur i Danmark og måske et af de fineste eksempler i Europa.

Når slottets flager opholder kongefamilien sig på slottet. Regentparret opholder sig
hovedsagelig i vinterperioden.

Mine egne erfaringer: Jeg har besøgt Amalienborg adskillige gange, og har oplevet Den Kongelige Livgarde gennemfører et vagtskifte kl. 12.00. som er en særdeles hyggelig begivenhed.

I forbindelse med at Kronprins Frederik og Kronprinsesse Mary overtog Dronning Ingrids palæ, gennemgik dette palæ en større renovering. Inden kronprinseparret flyttede ind havde
offentligheden mulighed for at se palæet. Jeg har besøgt palæet og var imponeret over hvor smukke de enkelte rum var blevet.

Facts: Amalienborg palace, Amalienborg Slotsplads, 1257 Copenhagen K