Tag Archives: Gefion fountain

Gefion fountain

Gefion fountainGefion fountain is located at the Citadel near the English church. The fountain is made by the Danish sculptor Ander Bundgaard in 1908. The fountain is at the end of Amaliegade just
opposite the Citadel in Copenhagen.

My own experience: I have visited the fountain several times over the years. It is quite a
fountain which is worth a visit and which to look good all year.

In Danish: Gefionspringvandet ligger på Kastellet tæt på den engelske kirke. Springvandet er lavet af den danske billedhugger Ander Bundgaard i 1908. Springvandet ligger for enden af Amaliegade lige overfor Kastellet i København.

Mine egne erfaringer: Jeg har besøgt springvandet adskillige gange i årenes løb. Det er helt et springvand som er et besøg værd og, som tager sig smukt ud hele året.

Facts: Gefion fountain, Churchillparken, 1263 Copenhagen K